Holiday Health Herbal Survival Guide

Holiday Health Herbal Survival Guide

It’s that time of year when thoughts turn to our summer holidays whether your holiday is here in the UK or further afield. We all look forward to our well-earned holiday, but there are a few things you need to think about to make sure it’s a resounding success for you and your family. Here’s our holiday health herbal survival guide packed full of useful and natural ways to stay well on your break.

Avoid stress at the airport

Being on holiday is great for recharging the batteries and unwinding – but getting there in the first place can be very stressful. If you’re holidaying abroad, you’re most likely to start your holiday at the airport. The best advice to avoid stress here is to arrive early so you have plenty of time to check-in, get through customs and still have time to browse the duty free. And if you’re too early, just relax and chill at the departure gate safe in the knowledge that you won’t miss the flight!

Another great stress reliever – especially if you have children – is to try and travel in the middle of the day. It may be tempting to book the 3am flight to save some money, but travelling in the middle of the day means you’ll miss rush hour traffic, the kids won’t be grumpy and you’ll all be more relaxed.

Getting to your destination isn’t all about flying though, driving to your destination or taking a ferry can be just as stressful. Just apply the same thinking and try and make the travelling a part of the holiday that you enjoy rather than endure! And for those who have a fear or flying or travelling by boat, there is a particular remedy that can help …..

RelaxHerb, containing the calming herb, Passion Flower, is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the relief of the symptoms associated with stress, such as mild anxiety, exclusively based on long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label.

Vitano Rhodiola is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and mild anxiety, based on traditional use only. Always read the label.

Eat healthily on holiday

So you’ve arrived at your destination and now you can kick back, relax and enjoy yourself. But to avoid piling on the pounds and to ensure that you don’t run into tummy upsets on holiday, try and continue to eat healthily.

When we are on holiday, it is so easy to go into ‘holiday mode’ and to take a holiday from all the good habits we keep the other 50 weeks a year! So try and resist over-eating when you’re on holiday. It is tempting to eat more on holiday – you may choose a bread roll with dinner or have a starter, main and dessert every day which can mean the pounds pile on and you quickly lose that ‘bikini body’ you tried so hard for before you left!

Try and choose the healthy option when looking at the menu; some simple grilled fish rather than creamy pasta dishes. Plus, food that is heavy and calorific can also play havoc with your digestion. Even if you do have three courses, if one of them is a healthy salad that’s better than nothing! Trying to maintain your ‘five a day’ is great for keeping up your levels of antioxidants and vitamins which means you’re less likely to get sick.

Thisilyn Artichoke, a unique combination of Turmeric and Artichoke, can help to maintain healthy digestion and Thisilyn Turmeric Xtra helps maintain a healthy bowel and digestive function. Both of these will help to keep your holiday health in check.

Get a good night’s sleep on holiday

Getting a good night’s sleep is important for your holiday health as it helps you to relax and unwind and enjoy yourself whilst you are away. However, the combination of a strange bed, warmer temperatures and staying up late can all take their toll on your ability to sleep, making you feel like you need another holiday.

Make sure your hotel or apartment isn’t too hot – or cold if you have air-conditioning – to sleep comfortably. You can also use your diet to help control your wakefulness. A small carbohydrate snack before bedtime can help to make you feel sleepier. Keep regular hours too – especially if you have children – as maintaining ‘normal’ ‘bed times’ on holiday helps avoid overtiredness.

Bonuit Sleep Aid, containing a unique combination of Valerian and Passion Flower, is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances due to symptoms of mild anxiety, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label.

Niteherb Valerian is a traditional herbal medicinal product used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances due to symptoms of mild anxiety exclusively based on long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label.

Don’t over-indulge (too much) on holiday

OK, you’re on holiday so you will probably be more likely to indulge yourself as this is a holiday after all! But do try and avoid the temptation to over-indulge every day!

When it comes to over-eating, watch out for holiday buffets! It’s very tempting to pile up the food on your plate, but ask yourself do you really need all that? At breakfast, walk past the bacon and sausages and try the healthy fruit, cereals and yoghurts, or just plain boiled egg on toast; you don’t eat a full-English every day at home, so why do so on holiday?

All-inclusive holidays can be a huge temptation to over-indulge on the alcohol, after all it’s ‘free’ so the temptation is to drink too much! Try swapping the alcoholic drinks for water, fruit juices or smoothies.

If you overdo it try Thisilyn Milk Thistle and Thisilyn Milk Thistle Maximum Strength These are traditional herbal medicinal products used to relieve the symptoms associated with occasional over indulgence of drink and food such as indigestion and upset stomach, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy. Always read the label.

Choose a holiday with a gym or lots of activities and try to introduce exercise into your holiday activities – or maintain your regular exercise routine. This is a great way to stay in shape and maintain good holiday health throughout your dtay.

So why not try some of our summer holiday herbal survival guide herbs in your luggage this summer and – above all – enjoy your holiday, after all we’re all entitled to a little R’n’R!

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