Common ailments

A recent online survey conducted amongst 3,000 UK adults suggests that we are a nation of SLUMPers – that’s ‘Slightly, Low Unhappy Moody People’.

Finding new ways to keep fit or new dishes to try will help to boost your morale and wellbeing. Clinical nutritionist Suzie Sawyer shares her top tips for lasting wellness.

Here’s our holiday health herbal survival guide packed full of useful and natural ways to stay well on your break.

Beyond an ingredient in a curry, Turmeric is an amazing spice that contains many beneficial health properties.

Up to one in five people suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) at some time in their life. We review this common, and often debilitating, condition and how natural support can help.

Indigestion is a ‘catch-all’ term for many different symptoms. From bloating and belching after meals, to heartburn or acid reflux and general stomach discomfort, they can all create frustrating and painful symptoms.

There has never been a more important time to practice prevention methods for influenza and natural cold remedies in the UK, so what is the latest advice from UK health officials?

When you start to experience the coughing, sneezing, sore throat and runny nose and maybe a fever too, it’s difficult to know whether you’re suffering from cold symptoms or are perhaps suffering from flu.

Herbal relief for colds has become increasingly popular over the years, and cold-fighting foods can normally be found in most households. Sometimes, we have to look no further than our own kitchens.

When everyone around you is coughing and spluttering, it might seem impossible to avoid catching a cold, but there are a few simple things you can do to help you and your family fend off the germs.